Friday, May 25, 2012

Bicycle Helmets

Happy in helmets!
On Wednesday they announced that if you are under the age of 18 you must wear a bike helmet. So Mrs.Tresoor told the class and showed us this Winnipeg free press article. Check it out here. Mrs.Tresoor said to write a persuasive paragraph about how you feel about this new law. The paragraph had to have a strong topic sentence, supporting details to convince the reader that it should or should not be a law and a concluding sentence. I feel people should wear their bicycle helmets because when you damage your brain it never heals. You can’t stop an accident so you can help yourself get less hurt by wearing a helmet.  Helmets are very important to wear. It doesn’t matter if people think it is not cool. When some people hear a story about someone who got hurt on a bicycle and was not wearing a helmet they think it won’t happen to them but it could.  My message to you all is wear your helmets because you don’t know what is going to happen.
Thanks for reading!
By: Abby

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Simple Machines

On Tuesday we had mad science!!! I tried to pull Mrs. Tresoor when she was cross legged on the floor. we were both holding a rope. It was really hard to move her. When she was on a scooter it was easier to pull her. The wheel and axles on the scooter made it easier. It was fun because we got to make a catapult. We got a partner, a spoon, some blocks, a ping pong ball and a cup. We tried to get the ball into the cup. Mine didn't work because the ball would always bounce off the table. We tried to adjust the spoon and the blocks. We also made a thing to pick up a pencil or other things. It was made out of 4 popsicle sticks a medle thing that fowlded (brass fasterners) at the end. So we put two popsicle sticks together and there was a hole on the end and we put the fasteners in each end. we attached two elastics to help it grip something. I picked up a pencil. It was a really fun morning for me because I learned about simple machines.
By Victoria

Expert Project: Golf

This week I presented my Expert Project on golf. I brought in my golf clubs golf shoes and all my equipment. I got most of my information from self-experience and a little bit from the internet. I loved using prezi because it was new, and I liked that it had a path so you could choose any picture to go first or last. I also liked presenting using prezi because it can move from one side of the page to the other in one move. I think everyone really liked my prezi and I loved presenting it and if I could I would present 10 different prezi’s throughout the year. Now I am doing an Expert project with Terry in my class about everything on Winnipeg. I like expert projects because you can choose what you do it on and no one is forcing you to do one subject. You can learn about stuff that you’re interested in.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Problem Solving

Right now in math we are learning about patterns and equations. In these pictures we are solving word  problems in math. In our groups we had to read the problems and then we had to solve them using equations. After we solved the problem we had to explain in words how we solved the problems. When we were done we got to present our problem to the class with our group. I like using equations in math because we get to use letters and numbers in the same number sentence. In the groups it is fun because you can share your ideas with your friends and they can share their knowledge with you. Equations are fun because there is more than one way to solve a question.            By Bentley

Friday, May 18, 2012

Siamese Soccer

In gym we played a game called Siamese soccer. What happens in Siamese soccer is you chose a partner my partner was Tobi. With your partner you hold hands. If you let go you have to do ten push ups. You do this while you play soccer. In our game we were not keeping score. There were 2 teams and I was on yellow. You couldn’t be partners with someone on another team. The teams were yellow against blue. There were three balls so everyone could play. At the end when everyone was sitting down they let go of their hands but Kelsey and Kelly didn’t. Then Mr. Agusten said everyone had to do ten push ups except for Kelsey and Kelly because he didn’t say to let go of hands yet. This was a new game for our class. I enjoyed playing the game!        
- Jessica.B  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day Reactions

On Mother’s Day everyone gave the cards, and gazettes we made to our mothers. Many had different reactions, but they all loved the gifts that we put so much work into. Now I will tell you about how our moms reacted when they saw these wonderful gifts. My mom got her card a little bit late because I went to Minneapolis and forgot her card. Luckily she didn’t mind. When she read the gazette she couldn’t stop laughing because it was mostly humorous. When she saw the card she also laughed because it was also quite humorous. When Jessica’s mom read the gazette she cried and when she read the card she laughed. Connor’s mom cried, Cameron’s mom cried, and Nick’s mom cried. Ashton’s mom also cried but she said it was just allergies. There were also a lot of moms that were surprised! Like Tobi’s mom who said “Oh my goodness that is so pretty I can’t believe you did this!” Or William’s mom who said “Oh my gosh that’s so sweet.” Each mom reacted a little bit different, but the facts show that all the moms love their gifts and their kids.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Watercolour Painting

Mrs.Tresoor went to Bernie Wolfe after school one day to learn about painting with watercolours. The next day Mrs.Tresoor came back and showed all the watercolour painting designs she made. For our art class we got to use watercolours. For our practice we had to split the paper up into three sections using masking tape and this isn’t regular paper it’s special watercolour paper. In my first box I used different colours and made it with my paint brush doting the paper. In my second box I painted the background pink and put a heart using watercolour crayons. For my third box I made a sun set and sprinkled salt on the sun. The salt absorbed the colour of the paint. When it dried I wiped all the salt off the paper and the salt kind of takes away the colour and makes it feel cool. There are so many affects to do with watercolours. We made special cards for some people. Can you guess who the cards are for?...           by Makayla               

Mad Science

Today we had Mad Science. The person who was here teaching was named Fiona. She had a lot of things for us to do and the number one thing she was talking about was forces all sorts of forces. Conner said the Star Wars force. Then we did things with demonstrations. I did one of them and it didn't turn out very well. Then Amy tried it and it didn't work for her either. There was this little stool that spun and I satt on it and she gave me weights and when she told me to put my arms out I had to put my arms out and when she told me to put my arms in I had to put my arms in. The point is when your arms are out you go slow and when your arms are in you go faster. Then there was an exparement with a small cup, 3 washers and two forks. you put the forks together and you put the washer in between them and you have to balence on the side of the cup just the way Fiona did it. Myles Kelsey Smith and Cameron got it after the first try. It was not very easy for me the first couple times. I finally got it when we had to put it back. Then there was a thing with a bicycle weel she said that you could feel some kind of force that kinda feels like its trying to prevent it from turning. I didn't get to try it.Jessica, Terry, Ashton and Abby got to and the people that were doing it were vibrating a lot. Well mostly Abby was vibrating I didn't see any one else vibrate as much as Abby. Then she gave us a science packadge. We put together a piramide and theres things you could balence on it. There's a pizza made out of paper and it says 1 2 3. There are little paper mushrooms and pepperoni. you have to balence the pizza on the piramide thing. If it falls off the person with most points wins. I thought it was very fun and  I wish I was in mad science. I was glad I was able to learn more about science.  - Kelsey St.

Friday, May 04, 2012


Today I did my expert project on the Titanic! I did a prezi for the presentation. I also had a paper model of the Titanic. Did you know that there were 16,000 lemons on the Titanic and 5,900 tons of coal? Also if you stood the Titanic on its end it is as long as the Eiffel Tower. The Titanic had the first ever swimming pool. The Titanic took water from the ocean and heated it. So it was a salt water pool instead of chlorine. At 11:40 pm Titanic hit the iceberg. There was only room for half the people on board Titanic. The Carpathia saved the people in lifeboats. Some people were in lifeboats for six hours. Only 706 people survived and over 1,500 people died. I hope you learned a bit about the Titanic, I learned a lot!
By Jessica B

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

CBC Manitoba | Falcon Cams

Mrs. Dent Scarcello sent out a reminder about the falcons on the Radisson Hotel. Included in her email was the following information:
"Since 1989, a pair of endangered peregrine falcons has been nesting on the Radisson Hotel in downtown Winnipeg.  Beginning 2006, CBC Manitoba, the Radisson Hotel and the Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project (Manitoba) have collaborated to provide Manitobans with the opportunity to observe each year's family of Peregrines on the Falcon Cam.  In 2011, a second Falcon Cam was installed at the historic McKenzie Seeds Building in Brandon with additional support from the Resland Development Group and Westman Communications. Both CBC Falcon Cams in Winnipeg and now Brandon are also fully equipped with audio so your classroom can follow all of the sights and sounds of the falcons."
Wilma Chartrand
CBC Manitoba
Click here to view the Falcon Cam. The mother falcon in Winnipeg is currently sitting on 4 eggs that will hatch very soon.