On Wednesday they announced that if you are under the age of 18 you must wear a bike helmet. So Mrs.Tresoor told the class and showed us this Winnipeg free press article. Check it out here. Mrs.Tresoor said to write a persuasive paragraph about how you feel about this new law. The paragraph had to have a strong topic sentence, supporting details to convince the reader that it should or should not be a law and a concluding sentence. I feel people should wear their bicycle helmets because when you damage your brain it never heals. You can’t stop an accident so you can help yourself get less hurt by wearing a helmet. Helmets are very important to wear. It doesn’t matter if people think it is not cool. When some people hear a story about someone who got hurt on a bicycle and was not wearing a helmet they think it won’t happen to them but it could. My message to you all is wear your helmets because you don’t know what is going to happen.
Thanks for reading!
By: Abby