Friday, February 01, 2013


Building our Classroom Matrix
This week we made a class matrix for our class room. It is like our playground expectations and lunch room expectations. The categories are Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful. Here are some examples for the categories this is two for Be Safe: Use tools properly and hands and feet to yourself. These are two for Be Responsible is be ready to learn and complete your work. These are two for Be Respectful. Listen to the speaker and be kind to others. The three expectations that I suggested are… Don’t chew gum like a cow and use kind words and always make others feel welcome.

Sleepy Buffalo
This is another thing we are working on for the two weeks. Every year we have this AAA thing and you have to have a story that you have to make up your self and you have to give the story a meaning. So this year we had the story of how the Buffalo got is horns! The character I am is Sleepy Buffalo. He has the part where I am sleeping and the two animals helpful Wolf and Helpful Rabbit has to put the horns on me and then I turn over and it looks like I am waking up and they finished their mission and put the other horn on. So why they are putting on the horns is there is a bear that is scaring all of the animals and they have had enough of getting scared. And some of the animals have come up with the idea of having horns on buffalo. But buffalo says I don’t want horns on my head! But they need horns on him because he is the biggest animal and the strongest animal. So in his sleep like I said they have to put horns on me! Then when he wakes up and he runs right past bear and he scares bear! And bear feels terrible because now he knows how all of the animals have felt. So he said I will never scare another animal. AND THAT IS HOW THE BUFALO GOT ITS HORNS!
This week we had our first EP project presentation and this was the first person to go it was Braden and his was on all of the future stuff. The name of the EP was called C.E.S and that stands for consumer electronic show and it was cool and it was about… New awesome cars new vacuums and even new shopping! That is really awesome and that is basically what he did and he also told us about this new movie player it is called the Red Ray and you even have a button  that makes it 3D!
February Attendance.
Happy Birthday, Riley!
 This month is February and we have a new attendance thing on the smart board. It is an arrow shooting your name to a heart. The arrow has your name on it.

Say Happy Birthday Because It’s My B-DAY!!
By. Riley


Anonymous said...

Nice Twas! good descriptionon the tale! Do you think it's a good tale? I think it is pretty neat!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Tressor building our mattrix was reayy fun!
What gave you he idea of this????
By. Riley

Anonymous said...

That was really fun to make the masks thank you mrs.tresoor+mrs.mitchell.
from Sadie

Anonymous said...

nice twas!I like how you listed some of the things that you and people put!


Anonymous said...

Riley the ending was very funny, I liked it . Well i guess i have to say it so happy birthday
