Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Are you ready for a photo challenge?

We are excited to share that we are planning to participate in a K-12 photography and creative writing project called #eduphotoaday beginning May 1st. The project was started by two teachers in our school division. Here is how it works: For each day during the month of May there is a word or phrase in the photo challenge. We will take an Instagram photo that represents that word or phrase. We hashtag it #eduphotoadaymay and the word or phrase. The next day we will look at all of the Instagrams in the photo challenge from the previous day and use them as writing inspiration.

If you are an Instagram user, follow us @mrstresoorsclass. Our class account is private so you’ll need to request to follow and wait for approval by me before you’ll be able to see our photos. If your Instagram name is something anonymous (i.e. I won’t be able to identify that it’s you) please send me an email letting me know what your Instagram identity is so that I can accept your request. I am only allowing families, classrooms and educators to follow us.

We are excited and ready for May to begin.....even with the snow! Thanks to @200awesomedays and @mrhoeppnersclass for setting up this photo challenge.
- Mrs. T :)


Anonymous said...

Cool post. I can't wait until I et to do my picture! Mine is Handprint, what's yours?
-> Cam

Anonymous said...

This #eduphotoaday challenge is going to be fun! What day are you looking most forward to?
