On January 7th we made crackers. But not the kind of crackers you eat. With these crackers, you pull the ends to crack them open. We wrote a New Year's resolution on the outside and we were allowed to put little things inside, make and decorate them with tissue paper. The supplies we used to make this were: pipe cleaners, toilet paper rolls, and tissue paper. Some people were surprised that Mrs.Tresoor actually remembered to bring them out, and others were surprised when they saw what they had put in there. Some people put some confetti inside, some people put fans inside, Hunter put in a paper duck, and Colin made a paper airplane to put inside.
Today (June28th) we got to sign autographs. Not because we are famous, but because it is the end of the year! We got to write messages or even just sign your name, some people wrote “Have a great summer”! Some pages were completely full others weren’t. Everyone was running around to get people to sign their books. It was a great way to remember our friends!
Way, way back on the first day of school, we took a picture on our play-structure. Now on the last day of school (actually it was on the 27th), we took another picture. The reason we did this on the second last day was because everyone was there, and we knew for sure not everyone was going to be here on the last day of school. It was fairly hard to get into the exact same position, but most of our class managed. Alex’s position was hanging off of the pole, and Melina’s position was beside the pink ladder crouching next to Hunter.
First day of grade 5!
End of grade 5!
On Thursday we had our class party! We watched a movie, had treats, cleaned our desks, and hung out with our friends! It was an AWESOME way to end the year!
We had Aidan and Joshua present their expert projects this week. Aidan's topic was German Shorthaired Pointers and Joshua's topic was Tech Decks. Great job to both of you. Thanks for sharing your expertise!
What a great year of expert projects. It is so neat to see the variety of interests among the students. We sure learned a lot from each other!
- Mrs. T :)
Today in choir the students who take music lessons outside of school were able to perform for their classmates. Jensen sang a song and Renee played the piano. It takes a lot of confidence to perform in front of an audience. Thanks for sharing your talents! Here are their performances for you to enjoy.
We have been busy designing sun protection devices in science. They turned out so well. Congratulations to all of you for your hard work. Can you believe what was created using only masking tape and newspaper? Watch the video to see our amazing work.
What an awesome way to spend the day.....having fun running stations and participating in so many activities. Our Field Day was a huge success. The Grade 5's were fabulous leaders. Thanks to Mrs. Rand and Mrs. Ilchena for organizing the day. We LOVED it!
Well, the final video in our Human Body Series is the Integumentary System and here it is. What a great job everyone did! Thanks again to Mrs. Dent Scarcello for all her help with this IBL project.
We received a special package today from Free the Children. Inside the box was a letter, certificate and signed picture of some children in Nicaragua. What a great way to end the week. The S.P.I.N. Club has done some awesome work this year. Thanks to everyone for your support and dedication.
Here is the video for the Circulatory System! Mrs. Dent Scarcello has been very busy with our IBL groups. Stay tuned for the final video in the series.
For the second month in a row the grade 5's have been recognized for following playground expectations. We have our mascot, Bella in our room for the month and we were also treated to some delicious popsicles. Great job grade 5's! Thanks for following expectations while you are outside enjoying your recesses!
Today we went on our field trip to Lower Fort Garry. We sure were lucky to have the weather hold out for us.......no rain! What a great day of learning. Thanks Ms Wasney for making the arrangements! It was so much fun for all the grade 5's to spend the day together. Enjoy our video to see the highlights of our trip!
On Wednesday my dad came into the school and did a presentation for our social studies class. he talked about things like how you would pay for a 4-foot gun and how to get “money” but you see the thing is there was no money you would have to pay with beaver pelts. How you buy a gun was a lot different than buying other things like clothes. First you would turn the gun up and then from the bottom of the stock to the beginning of the barrel how many beavers you would stack on top of each other that would be how much the gun would cost. He also brought in a beaver and a seal skin. Personally I didn’t think a seal had fur but I guess they do. At the very end he gave everyone North West Company hats and aboriginal books about lifestyle and a lot of other things. Thanks so much Dad for coming! By Braden
I did my presentation on German shepherds. I was a little scared at first but then it was fine. I had lots information but I could have added much more. I did my project on power point and I think everyone enjoyed the video I showed of my dog Thor who is a German shepherd and I showed a picture of my dog too. The best part about my presentation was telling about my dogs Elvis and Thor.
Last week Ms.Wasney and I went to Ikea to buy some great additions to our classroom. With money offered by our Parent Advisory Council (PAC), we were able to purchase some stools, a comfy chair and an awesome cart to be used for all of our art projects! Wow. The students love the additions to our classroom and they were very quick to try everything out. Thanks to PAC for all your support throughout the year. We really appreciate your generosity in helping to improve our classrooms for all our students.
Here is the Nervous System video. Thanks to Mrs. Dent Scarcello for working so hard with our students on this great project. We all anxiously await the video release dates!