Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mask Making

For our AAA project each class wrote a Pourquoi Tale. First each class picks a question and in your story you have to answer your question. All the questions are about animals. Our classes question is how the buffalo got its horns. In your story there are two rules: no humans and the animals have to be Manitoba animals. After you write your story you get to make masks for your animal. Before we made our animals we had to sketch it out. We got to pick our animals. Some people have to make their animal have an expression. My animal is the buffalo and I don’t have to make an expression. There are five people playing the buffalo but just different expressions. There was lots of craft stuff to use. I used wool for the fur, beads for the eyes, cardboard for the ears, and a container, ribbon, and tissue paper for the snout. There were lots of other things you could use too like feathers, bells, egg cartons, cotton balls, pastels, Styrofoam balls, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, and jewels. Lots of people were really creative and used lots of different materials. Soon we will be presenting our story to different classes and going to see different class’s stories. I can’t wait to see what the other classes stories are!      By Renee


Anonymous said...

Great blog post Renee I liked
the part where we showed our little buddies.What was your favourite part


Anonymous said...

Amazing blog post Renee you're mask was pretty good too!


Anonymous said...

Dear Renee you wrote a very good blog post and didnt you think the mask making was fun.

From: Felicia

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was a great blog post Renee. What was your favourite part
--> Cam

Anonymous said...

wow those are really nice masks

From Branden

Anonymous said...

good work on the blog post, you wrote more than I would.
