Sunday, December 16, 2012

Field Trip

Welcome Stroom30 Readers!

On Friday we went to the Abundant Life Church with Ms Wasney's class. When we got there, we sorted out food, toys, wrapped presents, knitted items (scarves, mittens, toques etc.) and sorted pennies/coins for some of the less fortunate people. We sorted ourselves into different groups, groups of five to be exact, and our groups would go to different things. I started off sorting the food, which were in a bundle of boxes, onto some labled shelves. Some of the different catagories were: soup, cereal, pasta, pasta sauce, fruits, macaroni and cheese, snacks and things that didn't have a place to go! After all of the food was sorted, most people worked on sorting pennies. For the pennies, you sort a pile into tens. Then later, you get some rolls, and drop fifty pennies into each roll, then roll them in such a way that they close. After a long while, all the students got called in to have a snack and a drink. The snack was a cup of popcorn (I thought that it was a drink because it was in a pepsi cup) and a cup of either cranberry juice or apple juice. I hoped for cranberry, but I ended up with a cold glass of apple juice (it tasted better than I thought it would). As a school, we brought around...... two hundred sixty-five pounds of food! This food went to people in our own community. I felt good that we were able to help people that are not as fortunate as some of us.

By: Alex

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful start to this holiday season. I was disappointed to not be in the Christmas concert this year but being able to help out with the hampers made up for it. I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas break as much as I did. See you tomorrow, from Jensen