Friday, February 10, 2012

The Digestive System

One of the interesting things we did this week was in science. Let’s say you eat an apple. First you put it in your mouth next saliva helps break down the food then teeth chew the food into smaller pieces. Then it goes down your esophagus and into your stomach (I thought the entire thing was called the stomach). The stomach is a little pouch filled with hydrochloric acid and coated in mucus to protect the stomach from dissolving in the acid. Then the pyloric valve opens and the food goes to the small intestine then it goes to the large intestine and well then it is on its way out of the body.
-By Robert


Anonymous said...

wow i really liked your post and i also am excited to learn about the rest of the human body!!!!!!!!!


Mrs. Glover said...

Hello Robert, Your science class sounds very interesting. I think I'll go have a snack now. -Mom