Friday, September 21, 2012

Camp Arnes

Camp Arnes was so exciting. Most of the activities give you such a rush it is uncontrollable! Here let me tell you all about it.
Rock climbing was a challenge to do because some of the rocks would turn and some are missing! You have to get to the top so you can ring the bell so you can show that you finished. I did it so I know!
Instincts for Survival was a game that you needed a partner. You go around looking for vegetation and water to survive. There were omnivores, herbivores, Humans, diseases, carnivores, and elements and if you ask me there were sure a lot of enemy’s!
During Cooperative Games & Initiative tasks we had a 4 way tug of war) this was pretty hard. There were four groups of 4-6 just make sure you pick a very strong team or else you will probably lose. The second game we played in this was really hard you get into 2 groups of grade 6 vs. 5. You are in a forest and have to make a shelter out of anything you can find, like sticks, twigs, moss, grass, bark, trees and so much more! Ours was pretty big and it had a lot of holes but we only had a hour!
In Orienteering you have a map and a pencil. you have to go around looking for marks with a number and a symbol so you can mark it down. Each mark you get you can get points. You can get points of 10, 15, 20 the person with to most points won! Our team got 200 points.
Personally High Ropes was my favourite there were 5 climbing stations, I think. My favourite was the High Rise. I don’t really think it had a name so I named it. My partner for it was Alex the goal was to touch the top of the tower me and him both did it. It was 30-35 feet it was sooooooooo high!
Zip Line is the final thing I will tell you about. This was such a rush! You have to climb up a telephone pole. Then the person that is up there would strap you in. You go across a ditch really fast then you hit some tires to slow you down so the person could catch you.  Being so high in the air and zipping so fast it gives you a rush.
All together this was a really great place to grow and learn new things. We were there for 3 days and it went by so quickly! It was unbelievable! I learned so many things about myself like when I went on the high rise I didn’t know I could go so high and not get stuck ;)
Camp Arnes a place to grow!!
                                                        - By Braden.H

We hope you enjoy the video of our adventures at Camp Arnes! 


Anonymous said...

Camp Arnes was so awesome I wish we could go there next year. The video was so cool how it is edited. The music was really fancy.

Anonymous said...

The first few weeks of school have been great! Im having a blast in your class

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing all the fun you had at Camp! These memories of your friends and teachers will last a lifetime!

-Mrs. Glover

Anonymous said...

i had so much fun at camp arnes :)

- Melina

Anonymous said...

ahh. i miss the zipline


Anonymous said...

Camp Arnes was really fun!!! I hope I can go again sometime.


Anonymous said...

Camp Arnes was so awesome, Human foosball is such a great idea, I wish i could go back next year!

Anonymous said...

I wish we could go again next year because I had a great time!!!

-Jensen G.