Friday, November 16, 2012

Design Project: Weather Vanes

In science we have been learning about weather and wind, so as a class we got to make weather vanes. The weather vanes had to have the four cardinal directions and a base they also had to represent a skydiving company. Every student had a logbook, and in the logbook it had questions, materials you had to use, there was also space for you to draw your sketch and (label) it. But first came planning, we started the project on Nov.5th and ended it on Nov.13th. In the planning section it said “This is a very important part of designing! "  
In the problem section it said… you are working for a local skydiving company and have been ask, to make an instrument to determine wind direction. You need to make a weather vane to meet the following criteria. My group was named Sky Masters, and the people in my group was Felicia and Riley and of course me. If you’re wondering how we tested it let me tell you, Mrs. Tresoor brought a blow dryer to school and then we put our weather vane on the table then she tried it at low speed and at the high speed and ours worked. It worked by the air blowing into the straw and out of the back. When Mrs. Tresoor stood at north the arrow would point into the blow dryer.   
 It was an awesome science project. I really liked making the weather vane.                                       By Melina


Anonymous said...

This Was FUN! Did you like doing this Melina?
--> Cam

Anonymous said...

I liked doing the weather vane. The video is cool! What is your favourite part of designing?