Monday, March 18, 2013

Room 30 earns a Pizza Lunch!

Dear Readers,
In February we won a pizza lunch for our class! How we won it was we participated in the Fit-a-thon and whoever got the most pledges in grades kindergarten to 3 and grades 4 to 6 got a pizza lunch! What is the Fit-a-thon? The Fit-a-thon is basically just laps. It is mostly just to build up your strength in your legs and cardio. We tried really hard to get all of our pledges in because I think we wanted it the most. When we won it we were so happy and some people were even jumping in joy and everyone was so excited. Everyone was so excited for today because we have it today and it is guaranteed to be good stuff.  Way to go room 30 we won and it is all because of  us bringing in our pledges! We got fit and had fun!
By: Ryan


Anonymous said...

Pizza Lunch?!?! We are very jealous in Room 31! What kind of pizza did you have?

Congratulations on your fundraising efforts!
Ms. Wasney :)

Reagan said...

Lucky! Im so proud of you guys!


Renee said...

Wow, I can't believe we won the pizza lunch. I wonder if there will be the same contest next year. Great blog post Ryan.

Brandon said...

I missed it :(