Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Science Design Projects

Our forces and motion design projects are AWESOME! Some of them are big and some are small. This design needed to set a marble in motion with no hands, have potential and kinetic energy, have linear, oscillating, rotational or reciprocating motion and come to a complete stop every time. It also needed change speed and direction. The projects needed to be built with recycled materials at school. For example, you could use toilet paper rolls and cardboard. There were so many steps to make them. Everybody was working hard to complete their projects. These projects took about a week to be done. Our class got to go to the other grade 5 class to see their projects and their class came to ours to see our projects. Their projects were so cool. Now that we are done testing, someone will have to take the project home. The best part of the project was building it and designing it, because I like to build stuff and design. Some people had to make a lot of changes, and that’s what good designers do. We also had to say what our design could be used for in real life. 

By Brooke & Jerrett


Mikayla said...

I loved the nice comments we got. What did you like the most?

Ariel said...

I loved the nice comments we got.what didyou like the most?

Sebastian said...

I liked constructing our project.I also liked everybodys project. Did you like it?