Friday, March 07, 2014


This week at school we had a fun filled week!
One of the things we did was…  ART I love art. But this wasn’t your normal art we used… shaving cream. It was the first time I have used shaving cream it was fun. The art we were making was shamrock art. The steps to making the shamrock art that we have gone throw were… The first step was to put paint on top of the shaving cream on a pan then we had to take a Popsicle stick and mix the shaving cream and the paint together. The second step was to put a paper on the shaving cream mixed with paint and carefully pat it down. Then you peel the paper of the paint. After that you have to set the paper down on top of something and let it sit for about 4 mins. Then once it’s been about that time you can take a scraper and scrape down the paper. That’s all we have done but we are doing them today.

Also this week we had an Olympic Activity Day! It was really fun to go around the school and do the games that were set up for that day. We were all in ‘’Country’s’’ the Country I was in was Brazil. We also went around with our little buddies. My little buddies name is Gabbi.  One of my highlights from that day was having hot chocolate.
This week all of the girls are going to sing in a church on Friday. We have to wear all black. We are going to sing to be singing two songs. The songs I remember that we are singing are, a distant shore and the canoe song we are going to have to eat lunch at 11:00 am. We just got back and we won Silver

Also this week we got… Our new home reading. What we have to do this month+ is… We have to do a book recommendation and we have to list out top 3 favourite things about our book and we have to write a question we have about our book. I have not started mine yet.
The end is just the beginning.........
By-  Mikayla

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Good job on twas Mikayla. I hoped you liked the music festival!