Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome Liam!

On our first day back at school we welcomed a new student named Liam. He was eager to offer to write his T.W.A.S. on our blog. Here are his thoughts about his first week at Bird's Hill School.

Hello my name is Liam. I just moved over the holidays and I was very happy with my first week of school! During the week we had daily 5. Daily 5 is when you choose from many activities and do it for 30-60 minutes. example: w would mean writers  workshop. There is also topics such as ep (expert project) and r (read to self)and word work.Right now I’m working on an ep project on the Great Lakes. we also get to use the netbooks to get information and type information.
In gym class we made up our own games. Mine was called army dodgeball. We also played a game called steal the treasure. Later that day we played a dodgeball game called mission impossible. I think that this schools gym is better than my last schools!
On Thursday we had library. I couldn't find any books except when I searched "fishing" and I'm really into fishing. The librarian helped me to find the book and I started to read it. It had lots of infomation on fishing! I was going to take out a diffrent book but I couldn't find the first version of it.On January 12 I finished my science project. It was on hurricanes. I actually started it on the first day back but we didn't have computer lab on the 11th so I couldn't finish it. on the 12th we had computer lab and thats when i finished my progect.
I think this is going to be a GREAT year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome Liam! I just read your T.W.A.S. and I would like to try army dodgeball, it sounds fun. Maybe an indoor recess when we have the gym.

see you in class, Robert