Friday, January 20, 2012


This week at school we got a new seating plan. Before we had 6 table groups of 4 or 5. Now we combined are groups. there are 2 groups of 14. I love the new seating plan because on the right it goes Tobi, Kelly,Jessica and me but there are 3 more people in the row.  

Also this week had indoor recess all WEEK!! I don't like indoor recess! but for most lunch recess I played Twister. Some recesses I  talk with friends. One recess I played chinese checkers with Kelsey.   

Also this week we did French. In French we did four corners. four corners is when someone closes they eyes and counts to 10 in French. Well the people run and find a corner. The person counted says a corner and the people who are in that corner sit down. The corners were different weather in French.

Also this week we had gym. The game we played was army dodge ball. I was on the red team. There was a red team and a green team. Each team had mats and hockey nets to hide behind. the point is to hit and get the hole team on your team. 

                                                Hope you like my T.W.A.S.  
                                                          -Abby M.


Mrs T said...

Yay for new seating plans! What a great blog, good job!

Anonymous said...

It was excited to come across your site a short while ago. I arrived here today hoping to learn interesting things. I was not upset. Your well thought out ideas with new strategies on this subject matter were enlightening and a great help to me. Thank you for making time to create these things and for sharing your mind.

Anonymous said...

Hey Abby I really liked your twas I also like the way your seating plan is in our class we just have tables I wish we had desks then we could change our seating more offen. And I agree I don't like indoor recess but it's better to be indoors then outdoors when it's really cold.


Anonymous said...

Hi Abby, I read your t.w.a.s.and I
think it is great! The colours look amazing. Anyone would think that it is at least three weeks that you wrote about and not just one. From Jensen.