Wednesday, May 02, 2012

CBC Manitoba | Falcon Cams

Mrs. Dent Scarcello sent out a reminder about the falcons on the Radisson Hotel. Included in her email was the following information:
"Since 1989, a pair of endangered peregrine falcons has been nesting on the Radisson Hotel in downtown Winnipeg.  Beginning 2006, CBC Manitoba, the Radisson Hotel and the Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project (Manitoba) have collaborated to provide Manitobans with the opportunity to observe each year's family of Peregrines on the Falcon Cam.  In 2011, a second Falcon Cam was installed at the historic McKenzie Seeds Building in Brandon with additional support from the Resland Development Group and Westman Communications. Both CBC Falcon Cams in Winnipeg and now Brandon are also fully equipped with audio so your classroom can follow all of the sights and sounds of the falcons."
Wilma Chartrand
CBC Manitoba
Click here to view the Falcon Cam. The mother falcon in Winnipeg is currently sitting on 4 eggs that will hatch very soon.

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