Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Pourquoi Tale Presentations

Today we went to see a few classes do their Pourquoi tale presentations in room 33. Have you ever seen one performed live? Today we watched 6 Pourquoi tale presentations. The first one we watched was our little buddies in grade 1. They did how the deer got its antlers and it was good. Mrs. Wallace’s class did how the black bear got its color! For both the gr.2 and gr.1’s they had two gr.6’s narrating. Lucas and Maxelmae and Terry and Amy were the narrators. The next class was 3M/D and they did why the beaver has a flat tail and it was really good.  After the gr. 3’s then 4D went and they did why wolves howl at the moon they also did a good job on the narrating because they spoke loud. After that it was our turn and we are doing how the buffalo got its horns and our narrators are Hunter and Alex. The animal that I played was the helpful beaver but I had to play beaver too because Colin is away. That was it for the morning but we did more in the afternoon. In the afternoon we saw Mrs. Henry’s class and narrating for them was Ashleigh and Dana. We also saw Ms. Wasney’s class and they had really good masks. The part I enjoyed the most was probably the masks. Wow what a great way to end our AAA project with these great presentations! Here is a video of our Pourquoi Tale.
- By Ryan


Anonymous said...

hi mrs.tresoor i really think mrs.kohuts class injoyed the pourquoi tale we showed then.


Anonymous said...

I liked the porqi tale we did.It was a little simaler to how the deer got its antlers though.

- Jensen

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.Tresoor I think all the grades that we played our play liked it and good write up Ryan and I really liked how you made your beaver it looked so real good job.

From: Felicia