Monday, April 15, 2013

Celebrations in Room 30!

Congratulations to Faith and Felicia for receiving the Patrol of the Month Award for February! It is wonderful to have students showing leadership and responsibility as they help to make our school a safe and better place.

Keaston's new chair arrived at school. It is adjusted to fit him perfectly. There was a lot of cheering and clapping as he was able to move from his wheelchair to his very own desk. The students are delighted (and so is Keaston) that he will be part of our classroom seating plan on a regular basis.

We are all looking forward to another great week. It's our spring concert on Wednesday so we are busy preparing for a great show! We hope many of you will be able to come out to enjoy, "The Sounds of Jazz".
- Mrs. T. :)


Josh said...

Yo branden great job on your ep project. And you are also doing a great job on your team I can tell by your medals!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow the concert was soo fun!

from Brandnen

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Keaston siting on a proper chair at a propper desk.It is so impressave to see somone like Keaston sitting in a chair and a desk like the rest of us! What a great acevement for him.
