Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day of Pink

Group discussion.
Hello Room 30 readers! Today Braden and I are going to talk about the Day of Pink! The reason we had this day was because… A boy in Nova Scotia wore a pink t-shirt to school and got bullied. The two bystanders said to themselves “That’s wrong, no person should be bullied”. They asked their friends to all wear pink shirts to school. The pink shirt was a notification to stand up to bullying. Now we even have an International Day of Pink.
Braden sharing his poem....
Cameron's turn to share.
We did an activity today on bullying. There were three different groups. We randomly picked the Bully, the Bystander and the Bullied. I got the bully, and Braden got the bullied. In the groups we talked about what it would feel like to be the bully, the bullied and the bystander. We had to write a poem, it was called I Am... Since I got the part of being bullied the poem was written from the point of view of a person who was getting bullied and what it might be like. Cameron wrote his poem from the point of view of the bully. After we finished we got to get up and read our poems in front of the class. The first two words of the sentence were already written so you could add onto it. Each sentences first word would be "I "then another word like cry, see, wonder, hope, try and dream. Many of the poems were so powerful; they almost made you cry because they were so true. We hope people don’t just stop bullying on April 10th. We hope it stops forever.
Stand up to bullying!
By: Braden and Cameron
This activity was developed by Jen Runde. You can read more about it here at Runde's Room.



Anonymous said...

Hi it's Felicia im really glad we did poems anfd some of them were so heart touching


Anonymous said...

Great post Braden and Cam, A lot of information about that day!It was great.