Friday, April 26, 2013


This week at school…
We did little skits with a bus loop expectations hidden in it. We were divided into groups and when we were we got a slip of paper that had a bus loop expectation on it. We couldn’t tell anyone what it was except our group members. When we were finished our skit we had to let others guess what our expectation was. My group expectation was use kind words. How we acted that out was me and Renee were two children on a bus and Hunter was the bus driver. Me and Renee had a conversation that was our skit. Then we did a cross-word puzzle about bus expectations.                                                                                                                                                                                     
We started long division it is simple if you understand it. You really have to know your multiplication facts Mrs. Tresoor told us. I do understand it but some of them are harder than others for me. If you come across a hard one than you come across a HARD one! We had long division today and I didn’t get it finished so it will be homework. There are different steps for long division D stands for divide M stands for multiply S stands for subtract B stands for bring down R stands for repeat. We came up with some really weird ways to remember that I like Dad, Mom, Sister, Brother, Relative.
In Social studies we are doing a fill in the blanks about habitant life. We watched a video that had the answers. Some of the things that we needed to fill in were like this in the summer the habitants fished and farmed. Things like that I had a little trouble keeping up for some reason. We watch a lot of videos in social studies and a lot of them are tapes. We still have to finish that one that we started a while ago.  It is interesting what we are learning about.
We did soccer in gym last time. The game we played was called every one scores soccer. How you play is you are divided into two teams and the first team to have every one score once wins that match. If you score a goal you have to sit out and cheer on the rest of your team.
By Jensen                                


Anonymous said...

Jensen sounds like you had a good week. We had a good week too.
I wonder what you will do next week?

Jensen's GRAMP

Anonymous said...

It must be fun to do skits! we don't do much of that in grade 6!

mrs.Tresoor's old student.....