Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hero Writing

Hello blog readers today I’m going to talk to you about Hero Writing.
Hero writing is about who your hero is not a Super Hero! A hero is a person that inspired you to be yourself. We first talked about what a hero is and characteristics of a hero. We made a list of people that can be our heroes. A lady named Mrs. Augusta came and talked about who her hero is. She wrote a letter. She read over the letter while she was writing and she crossed out words that didn’t fit in with the letter. I’ve learned that once you make a hero letter, it must come from the heart. I picked my grandma because she has always been there for me. When I give her the letter I hope she likes it! I learned that once someone gives you something, give them something in return. What I mean is that for all the things a special person does for you, you should do something good for them.
By: Michael

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike great blog post. I hope your gradma likes it. It was touching.